Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I curl up in my bed tonight appreciating my family.  Last month I was not feeling this way.  They were busy with concerts, shopping, decorating, wrapping and traveling.  I was bored.  They were annoying me so I annoyed them.  I was bad.  I chewed on toys, begged for food, barked in the night and the lowest of lows, I plundered in the bathroom trash.  I am ashamed.

Mommy was not happy with me.  She even seemed glad to leave me with Grammy and Poppy over Christmas.

But somehow families love through the best and worst of times.  I feel forgiven.  

And I don't think it is with just me that they do this.  They do it with each other.  

For instance, today, I sensed disagreement between Mommy and Sarah.  But at dinner they still laughed together and at bedtime gave each other a hug and said "I love you" at the end of the day.

I'm not sure what the trouble was, I try to stay out of such things.  No matter though, because when the day is done....all is forgiven.

Through the best and worst of times, that is a family.

1 comment:

  1. so true, so true, Master Davy. you may be a dog but you are a smart one! I love your profile pic too, sir! you surely get around!
    Family ROCKS! I'm so glad I'm a part of the Family of God!
